Become our group

The club rides for
different standards.

Racing is still encouraged and remains an important part of the Team. Members are welcome to race if they choose to do so.

Our Club

Contact Us

Full of support

The expected pace


The best reason of all is the opportunity to connect with other riders in our club.

Health care

The expected pace


The best reason of all is the opportunity to connect with other riders in our club.

The nutrition

The expected pace


The best reason of all is the opportunity to connect with other riders in our club.

Variety of club

The expected pace


The best reason of all is the opportunity to connect with other riders in our club.

Proffesional & full of adventurous soul.

Aenean pharetra magna ac placerat vestibulum orbi blandit cursus risus at. In ante metus dictum at tempor commodo ullamcorper a lacus noyornare lectus sit amet est placerat in egestas emper eget duisat tellus.

Ian Kasela

The Founder

Indra Bekti

The Idealist

Dik Doank

The Enthusiast

See what’s in our
latest news & infos.

Racing is still encouraged and remains an important part. Members are welcome to race if they choose to do so.

However, the best reason of all is the opportunity to connect with other riders. With over 160 members in our club, you are sure to find a group. Each ride indicates the expected pace and distance of the ride.

Unlike other cycling events which can be limited by their focus on elite riders, a singular charity or family day out, ours is an ALL-inclusive platform.


Utelit tellus, luctus ullam corper matdapibus leonidas.


Utelit tellus, luctus ullam corper matdapibus leonidas.

Community, it’s what we are all about.

We are looking for member who are willing to work together.

However, the best reason of all is the opportunity to connect with other riders. With over 160 members in our club, you are sure to find a group. Each ride indicates the expected pace and distance of the ride. Set in stunning tourist destinations, within two hours’ drive of our major metropolitan cities, the Cycling Classics are the ultimate Gran Fondo experience.

Mountain Bike
City Bike

The nation’s largest statewide bicycle nonprofit throughout the state.

Racing is still encouraged and remains an important part..


However, the best reason of all is the opportunity to connect with other. With over 160 members in our club.

More info


However, the best reason of all is the opportunity to connect with other. With over 160 members in our club.

More info


However, the best reason of all is the opportunity to connect with other. With over 160 members in our club.

More info

We’re inviting you to join our club and community today.

Members are welcome to race if they choose to do so.

Join Today